
My name is Russell Travis, founder of Domain Name Lab. Mine is the tale of how one Social Scientist, armed with only the English alphabet and a love for wordplay, created a website specifically designed to make the acquisition of an affordable one-of-kind domain name a more interesting and satisfying experience.

It was during my years teaching the Technology & Society course that I came to fully appreciate all things Internet, especially the prominent impact Internet addresses (.com, .net, .org, etc) were having on the business world. The World Wide Web was perceived by many as a varied dreamscape of endless opportunity, and rightly so. It provided the dynamic setting whereby the domain name helped launch the digital world the way Henry Ford's Model T kick-started the age of the automobile.

I am especially attracted by the prospect that the Internet has great potential to put us all on the same page going forward. It is immensely comforting to realize that domain names, the oil of the digital age, continue to be a reliable source of renewable synergy for us all. As you might have already guessed, you can count me among those who rank a solid domain name right up there with a good sunset, or a crisply turned double-play.

I am also pleased to share that one-quarter (¼) of the proceeds will be applied towards the founding of Homeless Quarters chapters nationwide (visit http://homelessquarters.org/about.php3 regarding the pilot project originally launched in California). Successful social entrepreneurship develops innovative solutions to daunting social problems and then hopefully implements them on a large scale (see http://homelessquarters.org/media.php3 for a wide array of media response). The hope at Domain Name Lab is that giving back to the community will be baked into a company's business model whenever possible.

Finally, especially for those of you who have grown weary of jumping through the usual you-know-whats to get the domain name you want, let me extend to you all a hearty welcome!

Best regards,